Feel The Wind

November 24, 2015

Feel the Wind.  Rhea Dufresne, Guillaume Perreault, Julie Beck, translator. 2015. 24 pagse. Look Around Books. [Source: ARC provided courtesy of NetGalley.]

This is such a quick, fun read! The author takes the reader through an exploration of the various forms of wind, while also highlighting their impacts on the world around us. The book is certainly educational, but it isn’t overly so at the expense of an enjoyable book. This is probably a great tool for teachers but also for parents who are helping kids understand the world around them. It’s challenging enough for an emerging reader to tackle on their own (with a bit of help for more complex words), but is simple enough for younger readers to comprehend.

From my 7 year old: “The wind was shaped like real people to make it more fun.” The personification used in this book is definitely a more interesting way to present the various types of wind. The illustrations are friendly faces catching bubbles, tickling noses, and other fun yet important things that kids may see and feel but not totally understand. I was partial to the illustrations; they were simultaneously simple and detailed, and the shading really lent itself well.

I would definitely recommend this book, especially if you spent a lot of time outdoors!

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